Merger, Acquisition, and Corporate Tax

Home Services Merger, Acquisition, and Corporate Tax

Merger, Acquisition, and Corporate Tax

Merger and acquisition are complex transactions which may hinder potential tax consequences if not carefully examined. The importance of knowing its potential tax exposure shall be taken into consideration prior to the dealing process takes place, in order to mitigate any potential tax risks which may bring unfavourable result in the future.

Our team has extensive experience in working with merger and acquisition of companies in any types of transactions to help our clients understanding its potential tax exposure. Subsequently, we shall be able to formulate advice to be considered for the time after transaction as well.

Using both quantitative and qualitative approach to gain a deep yet inclusive result, our team can assist you regarding tax review or tax due diligence for your important transactions.

Tomy Harsono
Tomy Harsono

World Trade Centre (WTC) 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.29,
Jakarta, 12920, ID

Lidya Irawan
Lidya Irawan

World Trade Centre (WTC) 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.29,
Jakarta, 12920, ID

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